Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is our first blog and Jeremy And i hope to do them at least once a week. May 27 2010

So today was very sad for me, my life here is mostly be babysitting, crafts, and watching TV on my computer. But today my computer crashed. We are getting it fixed in the next few weeks, but it is very sad for me. but on a happier note Jer and I are reading the FableHaven series and we are on the third book, and we are loving it. :) I got a chance to meet the author of FableHaven Brandon Mull, and it was exciting to ask some questions about the books. Jer and I are looking to read the last 2 books then move on to something else, so if you have any suggestions we would love to hear them. Jer and I just trying to find jobs, thats been stressful. I wish I could just forget about it, but life kicks us in the butt and tells us to get off ours. hahahah So we will see how everything goes. Im still very stressed but still hope for the best.